Congratulations on having a performance-enhanced website. We optimise all websites with performance geared plugins and themes. At times we may not be able to source these from third-party providers we code our own.
If you see one of the themes of plugins below listed in your website’s backend please consider it a crucial plugin / element that will effect the design and performance of your website.

Web V8 Theme
Designed with minimal code for the gutenberg WordPress infrastructure. Web V8 themes require minimal plugins and custom code.
Your website may be running a white-labelled theme under the Web V8 framework system. If this is the case feel free to contact us for any changes your may need.

Web V8 Framework Plugin
A framework support plugin to manage the theme and other supporting plugins that run your website.
If your website is running the Web V8 Framework plugin deactivating the plugin may cause issues / errors in the overall design of the website.
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